Thursday, July 26, 2012

Indoor Farmers Market?

What the H E double hockey sticks is an "indoor farmers market"?  Sounds like a grocery store to me!  Just sayin'. was Netflix at the movies night at my house.  Watched a really sweet movie where my fav quote was, "Eating with a utensil is like making love with an iterpreter."  Hey!  It was attributed, in the move, to the late Shah of Iran.  I have absolutely no idea whether or not that is a fact.  BUT!  It's so true, isn't it?  Anybody out there ever eaten Moroccan?  Lots of finger foods at Denio's.  Aside from the fresh fruits and veggies, I love the fried chicken.  Yummy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Have You Taken A Peek at Denio's Lately?

All I can say is, something's up.  I don't know, kind of like a change in the wind.  But just kind of.  It's still the same great place, but with an exciting new feel.  Know what I mean?  Not quite sure how to explain it.  Gotta take a peek for yourself.  Just sayin'

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Denio’s often has the honor of having the Placer County SPCA out to the Market to show off their cute fury friends who are up for adoption. Denio’s had a booth set up at the SPCA’s Barktoberfest festival. Funds raised through Barktoberfest pay for programs, such as the Placer SPCA’s low-cost micro-chipping and rabies vaccinations clinics, and the spay and neuter assistance program. The Placer SPCA is an essential part of the community and Denio’s is a proud sponsor of this fun Barktoberfest event!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

He is riding a very tall bike on the flats of Denio's! Elias Desouza came in the afternoon on a Sunday and showed us pictures of him from all over the world riding bikes where he is seated 20 feet in the air or better. This picture captures him riding one of the smaller bikes he owns. He also road a Unicycle. Elias boasts the world record of riding the tallest bike in the world. Over a couple stories tall!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Grupo MM Musical performed Sunday July 31st on the Denio's stage. If you listen to the live music you might find yourself shopping & dancing in exitement at the same time! This group is comprised of 5 brothers who have a love for music & performing. If you missed the fun we are exploring the potential of them coming back. Please tell us your thoughts on live music at the market, we would love to here from you!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The 2nd annual Sacramento Hispanic Chamber Day At Denio's was held May 21st this year and it was fun! Several businesses representing the chamber set up in the middle of Denio's to offer goods and services of all sorts. The stage was set up with the fantastic Latin music of Grupo Sariri Cumbia Andina playing for all to hear. To top it all off the weather probably could not have been better!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's amazing watching the bond between animal owners and their pets. At the Auction we see so many loveable pets who adore their owners. Do you have an out of the ordinary pet you love and adore. We would love to here from you. This little guy in the picture loves to get rides from his owner, a "Vendor" at Denio's, while the owner sets up his stand for the weekend.